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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:17
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:18
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:21
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:36
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:40
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:40
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:42
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:42
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:47
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:50
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:50
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:52
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:56
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Worse yet, Geithner preached the gospel of "financial deepening," the idea that the U.S. needed super-sized banks to take advantage of coming growth in consumption of financial services by emerging markets. Why exactly emerging market consumers will want to spend new wealth on the kind of lousy financial products which nearly brought down the U.S. was never fully explained. Suffice to say that any financial deepening which includes the growth of finance in the U.S. as a proportion of the economy will only increase risk to taxpayers and do so, as it has for the past 25 years, without producing anything of commensurate value.

Добавлено: 05-08-2021 18:56
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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 19:06
Where do you study? what is better cialis or viag... The ruling upholds a judge's decision to dismiss a discrimination lawsuit filed against Fort Dodge dentist James Knight, who fired assistant Melissa Nelson, even while acknowledging she had been a stellar employee for 10 years. Knight and his wife believed that his attraction to Nelson -- two decades younger than the dentist -- had become a threat to their marriage. Nelson, now 33, was replaced by another woman; Knight had an all-female staff.

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Добавлено: 05-08-2021 19:10
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