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Добавлено: 29-09-2005 12:35
Ragefire Chasm
Level 13, Crystalline Cuffs (Wrist), 14 Armor, +2 Spirit, +1 Intellect (Taragaman the Hungerer)
Level 13, Robe of Evocation (Chest), 32 Armor, +4 Intellect, +3 Stamina (Jergosh the Invoker)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:04
Level 17, Cookie's Stirring Rod (Wand), 22.3 dps (Cookie)
Level 17, Lavishly Jeweled Ring (Ring), +6 Intellect, +2 Agility (Gilnid)
Level 18, Emberstone Staff (Staff), 19.7 dps, +8 Intellect, +5 Spirit, +5 Stamina (Captain Greenskin)
Level 19, Corsair's Overshirt (Chest), 42 Armor, +11 Spirit, +5 Stamina (Edwin VanCleef)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:06
Wailing Caverns
Level 20, Living Root (Staff), 21.2 dps, +12 Spirit, +2 Stamina, +5 Nature Resistance (Verdan the Deep Everliving)
Level 21, Fathom Ring (Ring), +6 Spirit, +3 Stamina, +3 Intellect (Mutanus the Devourer)
Level 22, Slime-encrusted Pads (Shoulder), 34 Armor, +3 health every 4 sec. (Mutanus the Devourer)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:07
Shadowfang Keep
Level 21, Odo's Ley Staff (Staff), 21.7 dps, +12 Spirit, +5 Stamina (Odo the Blindwatcher)
Level 23, Feline Mantle (Shoulder), 34 Armor, +10 Intellect, +3 Spirit, +2 Agility (Wolf Master Nandos)
Level 24, Belt of Arugal (Waist), 26 Armor, +10 Intellect, +3 Spirit, +2 Agility (Archamge Arugal)
Level 24, Robes of Arugal (Chest), 46 Armor, +10 Spirit, +9 Intellect, +5 Stamina, +3 Agility (Archmage Arugal)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:07
Blackfathom Deeps
Leech Pants, Level 26, 42 Armor, +15 Spirit, +5 Intellect, +1 Stamina (Aku'mai)
Glowing Thresher Cape, Level 24, 23 Armor, +8 Spirit, +3 Strength (Old Serra'kis)
Rod of the Sleepwalker, Level 24, 23.9 dps, +11 Intellect, +10 Spirit (Twilight Lord Kelris)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:08
The Stockade

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:08
Electrocutioner Lagnut, Level 29, +9 Spirit, +4 Stamina (Electrocutioner 6000)
Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator, Level 32, 44 Armor, +15 Intellect, +12 Spirit, use: bolt of lightning at all enemines in front of the caster causing 147 to 167 Nature damage and surrounds the caster with a barrier of electricity for 10 min. (Mekgineer Thermaplugg)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:08
Razorfen Kraul
Swinetusk Shank, Level 30, 23.0 dps, +6 Stamina, +4 Spirit (Agathelos the Raging)
Stygian Bone Amulet, Level 23, +8 Spirit, +4 Stamina (Blind Hunter)
Batwing Mantle, Level 27, 37 Armor, +10 Intellect, +5 Spirit, +3 Agility (Blind Hunter)
Agamaggan's Clutch, Level 31, +9 Spirit, +5 Stamina (Charlga Razorflank)
Wind Spirit Staff, Level 27, 26.7 dps, +15 Spirit, +5 Intellect, +3 Stamina (Earthcaller Halmgar)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:09
The Scarlet Monastery
Blighted Leggings, Level 30, 45 Armor, +17 Spirit, up to +7 Shadow damage (Azshir the Sleepless)
Ghostshard Talisman, Level 30, +9 Stamina, +4 Spirit (Azshir the Sleepless)
Necrotic Wand, Level 30, 33.2 dps (Azshir the Sleepless)
Embalmed Shroud, Level 30, 42 Armor, +12 Spirit, +11 Intellect, +7 Stamina (Fallen Champion)
Orb of the Forgotten Seer, Level 33, up to +7 to magical damage and healing (Bloodmage Thalnos)
Hypnotic Blade, Level 34, 26.8 dps, +8 Intellect, +3 Spirit (Arcanist Doan)
Illusionary Rod, Level 34, 34.7 dps, +15 Intellect, +10 Spirit, +7 Stamina (Arcanist Doan)
Hand of Righteousness, Level 39, 29.8 dps, +8 Spirit, up to +14 healing (High Inquisitor Whitemane)
Triune Amulet, Level 39, +7 Intellect, +7 Spirit, +7 Stamina (High Inquisitor Whitemane)
Whitemane's Chapeau, Level 39, 52 Armor, +14 Intellect, +14 Spirit, +9 Stamina (High Inquisitor Whitemane)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:13
Razorfen Downs
Silky Spider Cape, Level 35, 30 Armor, +11 Stamina, +5 Spirit (Tuten'kash)
Deathmage Sash, Level 36, 33 Armor, +15 Intellect, +6 Stamina (Mordresh Fire Eye)
Glowing Eye for Ordresh, Level 36, +11 Spirit, +5 Intellect (Mordresh Fire Eye)
Mordresh's Lifeless Skull, Level 36, +11 Spirit, +5 Stamina (Mordresh Fire Eye)
Robes of the Lich, Level 39, 64 Armor, +10 Intellect, +20 Stamina (Amnennar the Coldbringer)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:13
Stoneweaver Leggings, Level 35, 51 Armor, +15 Spirit, +9 Stamina, +8 Intellect (Ironaya)
Grimlok's Tribal Vestments, Level 42, 68 Armor, +20 Spirit, +10 Stamina, +5 Intellect (Grimlock)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:14
Lifeblood Amulet, Level 43, +13 Stamina, +5 Spirit (Antu'sul)
Bad Mojo Mask, Level 44, 57 Armor, +24 Intellect, up to +10 Shadow damage (Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz)
Jumanza Grips, Level 42, +11 Intellect, +10 Stamina, +10 Spirit (Witch Doctor Zum'rah)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:14
Satyrmane Sash, Level 45, 40 Armor, +15 Intellect, +10 Stamina, +10 Shadow Resistance (Lord Vyletongue)
Nature's Embrace, Level 46, 73 Armor, up to +22 Holy damage, +8 mana every 5 sec. (Meshlok the Harvester)
Noxious Shooter, Level 46, 50.0 dps, +7 Stamina, +5 Nature Resistance (Noxxion)
Heart of Noxxion, Level 46, +10 Nature Resistance, use: removes one poison effect (Noxxion)
Vinerot Sandals, Level 46, 50 Armor, +12 Intellect, +12 Spirit, +12 Nature Resistance (Razorlash)
Grovekeeper's Drape, Level 47, 37 Armor, +12 Stamina, +10 Nature Resistance (Celebras the Cursed)
Cloud Stone, Level 48, +10 Intellect, +10 Spirit, +10 Arcane Resistance (Landslide)
Rotgrip Mantle, Level 48, 57 Armor, +17 Intellect, +11 Spirit (Rotgrip)
Charstone Dirk, Level 49, 35.9 dps, +11 Intellect, +2 mana every 5 sec. (Princess Theradras)
Eye of Theradras, Level 49, 63 Armor, +20 Intellect, +13 Stamina, +11 Spirit (Princess Theradras)
Gemshard Heart, Level 49, +10 Intellect, +10 Stamina, +6 Spirit (Princess Theradras)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:14
The Sunken Temple
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude, Level 48 (various)
Featherskin Cape, Level 49, 39 Armor, +15 Spirit, +4 Intellect, +4 Stamina (Avatar of Hakkar)
Spire of Hakkar, Level 49, 46.5 dps, +16 Spirit, +16 Stamina, up to +10 on magical damage and healing (Avater of Hakkar)
Gloves of the Atal'ai Prophet, Level 50, 49 Armor, +20 Spirit, +6 Stamina, +5 Strength (Jammal'an the Prophet)
Kilt of the Atal'ai Prophet, Level 50, 69 Armor, +18 Spirit, +18 Intellect, +9 Stamina, +4 Strength (Jammal'an the Prophet)
Vestments of the Atal'ai Prophet, Level 50, 78 Armor, +27 Spirit, +11 Intellect (Jammal'an the Prophet)
Dragon's Eye, Level 51, +15 Spirit, +6 Stamina (Shade of Eranikus)
Rod of Corrosion, Level 51, 55.0 dps, +10 Nature Resistance (Shade of Eranikus)

Сообщений: 102
Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:15
Blackrock Depths
Kindling Staff, Level 48, +25 Spirit, +10 Stamina, +15 Fire Resistance (Pyromancer Loregrain)
Cyclopean Band, Level 49, +15 Spirit, +4 Intellect, +4 Strength (Ok'thor the Breaker)
Graverot Capt, Level 50, 36 Armor, +11 Stamina, +6 Spirit (Anub'shiah)
Chief Architect's Monocle, Level 50, 64 Armor, +27 Intellect, +10 Stamina, +3 Spirit (Fineous Darkvire)
Blood-etched Blade, Level 52, 20.3 dps, chance on hit: causes 120 damage and converts that damage into your mana (Doom'rel, Dope'rel, Hate'rel, Seeth'rel, Vile'rel)
Haunting Specter Leggings, Level 52, 71 Armor, +28 Spirit, +12 Intellect (Doom'rel, Dope'rel, Hate'rel, Seeth'rel, Vile'rel)
Cape of the Fire Salamander, Level 53, 41 Armor, +16 Spirit, +5 Stamina, +7 Fire Resistance (Ambassador Flamelash)
Guiding Staff of Wisdom, Level 54, 50.5 dps, +29 Spirit, +10 Stamina, +10 Frost Resistance (Emperor Dagran Thaurissan)
High Priestess Boots, Level 54, +20 Stamina, +7 Spirit, +10 Shadow Resistance (High Priestess of Thaurissan)
Force of Will, Level 55, 1% chance when struck of reducing all melee damage done against you by 25 for 10 sec, +10 Defense (Emperor Dagran Thaurissan)
Robes of the Royal Crown, Level 55, 85 Armor, +29 Spirit, +9 Intellect, +5 Stamina, +3 Sgility (Emperor Dagran Thaurissan)
Thaurissan's Royal Scepter, Level 55, +15 Spirit, +5 Intellect, +5 Stamina (Emperor Dargan Thaurissan)
The Emperpor's New Cape, Level 55, +16 Stamina, +7 Agility (Emperor Dargan Thaurissan)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:15
Blackrock Spire
Level 60, Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II (various)
Serpentine Skuller, Level 51, 54.6 dps, +10 Shadow resistance (Jed Runewatcher)
Demonskin Gloves, Level 52, 51 Armor, +17 Spirit, +9 Intellect, +9 Stamina (Burning Felguard)
Funeral Cuffs, Level 54, 37 Armor, +14 Intellect, +5 Spirit, +10 Shadow resistance (Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin)
Golbe of D'sak, Level 54, +16 Intellect, +5 Stamina, +7 Shadow resistance (Spirestone Lord Magus)
Ogreseer Tower Boots, Level 54, +20 Spirit, +7 Intellect, +5 Strength (Spirestone Lord Magus)
Rosewine Circle, Level 55, +16 Spirit, +7 Agility (War Master Voone)
Skyshroud Leggings, Level 55, 75 Armor, +8 Stamina, +8 Intellect, up to +28 on magical damage and healing (Highlord Omokk)
Briarwood Reed, Level 55, up to +22 on magical damage and healing (Jed Runewatcher)
Starfire Tiara, Level 55, 69 Armor, +28 Intellect, +10 Spirit, +10 Fire Resistance (Jed Runewatcher)
Hands of Power, Level 55, 53 Armor, +6 Intellect, +6 Spirit, up to +18 on magical damage and healing (Quartermaster Zigris)
Devout Mantle, Level 55, 64 Armor, +21 Intellect, +9 Spirit, +4 Stamina (Solakar Flamewreath)
Wolfshear Leggings, Level 56, 76 Armor, +30 Spirit, +5 Stamina, +10 Nature Resistance (Gizrul the Slavener)
Sunderseer Mantle, Level 56, 65 Armor, +17 Intellect, +11 Spirit, +7 Agility, +4 Stamina (Crystal Fang)
Trindlehaven Staff, Level 56, 52.1 dps, +30 Intellect, +12 Stamina (Overlord Wyrmthalak)
Dustfeather Sash, Level 56, 49 Armor, +21 Intellect, +10 Stamina (Solakar Flamewreath)
Dreadmist Robe, Level 58, 89 Armor, +21 Intellect, +20 Stamina, +13 Spirit (General Drakkisath)
Devout Robe, Level 58, 89 Armor, +24 Intellect, +15 Spirit, +13 Stamina (General Drakkisath)
Magister's Robes, Level 58, 89 Armor, +31 Intellect, +9 Stamina, +8 Spirit (General Drakkisath)
Tooth of Gnarr, Level 58, +15 Intellect, +10 Spirit (General Drakkistah)
Bloodmoon Cloak, Level 58, 45 Armor, +17 Stamina, +5 Spirit, +7 Arcane resistance (The Beast)
Frostweaver Cape, Level 58, 45 Armor, +12 Intellect, +12 Spirit, +10 Frost resistance (The Beast)
Spiritshroud Leggings, Level 58, 78 Armor, +21 Intellect, +21 Spirit, +10 Stamina, +5 Agility (The Beast)

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Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:15
Level 60, Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II (various)
Skul's Ghastly Touch, Level 52, 55.8 dps, up to +10 Shadow damage (Skul)
Devout Gloves, Level 54, 52 Armor, +17 Spirit, +10 Intellect, +7 Stamina, +4 Agility (Archivist Galford)
Grimgore Noose, Level 54, 47 Armor, +17 Intellect, +10 Spirit, +8 Stamina, +3 Strength (Timmy the Cruel)
Dreadmist Sandals, Level 54, 58 Armor, +17 Stamina, +10 Spirit, +9 Intellect (Baroness Anastari)
Royal Tribunal Cloack, Level 54, 42 Armor, +16 Intellect, +7 Stamina (Magistrate Barthilas)
Devout Sandlas, Level 54, 58 Armor, +17 Spirit, +10 Intellect, +9 Stamina (Maleki the Pallid)
Magister's Boots, Level 54, 58 Armor, +14 Intellect, +14 Spirit, +9 Stamina (Postmaster Malown)
Banshee Finger, Level 55, 59.7 dps, +10 Frost Resistance (Baroness Anastari)
Band of Flesh, Level 55, +16 Stamina, +6 Strength, +3 Agility (Ramstein the Gorger)
Soulstealer Mantle, Level 55, 64 Armor, +22 Intellect, +9 Spirit (Ramstain the Gorger)
Tome of Knowledge, Level 56, +8 all stats (Archivist Galford)
Devout Skirt, Level 56, 76 Armor, +23 Spirit, +15 Intellect, +8 Stamina, +8 Agility (Baron Rivendare)
Dreadmist Leggings, Level 56, 76 Armor, +21 Spirit, +15 Stamina, +12 Intellect, +5 Agility (Baron Rivendare)
Magister's Leggings, Level 56, 76 Armor, +21 Spirit, +20 Intellect, +8 Stamina, +8 Agility (Baron Rivendare)
The Postmaster's Seal, Level 56, +17 Spirit, +6 Intellect, +3 Agility (Postmaster Malown)
The Postmaster's Treads, Level 56, 60 Armor, +15 Intellect, +14 Stamina, +6 Spirit, +6 Agility (Postmaster Malown)
The Postmaster's Trousers, Level 56, 76 Armor, +20 Intellect, +20 Spirit, +12 Agility (Postmaster Malown)
The Postmaster's Tunic, Level 56, 87 Armor, +30 Intellect, +10 Spirit, +5 Agility (Postmaster Malown)
The Postmaster's Band, Level 56, 70 Armor, +30 Intellect, +10 Stamina, +10 Shadow resistance (Postmaster Malown)
Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape, Level 56, 43 Armor, +14 Stamina, +8 Agility, +7 Strength (Stonespine)
Gift of the Elven Magi, Level 58, 41.3 dps, +10 Intellect, +6 Spirit, +5 Stamina (Balnazzar)
Star of Mystaria, Level 58, +9 Intellect, +9 Spirit, +9 Stamina, +7 Agility (Balnazzar)
Robes of the Exalted, Level 58, +11 Spirit, +5 Intellect, up to +62 healing (Baron Rivendare)
Seal of Rivendare, Level 58, +17 Intellect, +7 Spirit (Baron Rivendare)

Сообщений: 102
Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:16
Dire Maul
Level 60, Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II (various)
Level 54, Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You , starts a quest that leads to Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas, +10 Fire Resistance, +4 mana ever 5 sec., up to +30 healing (various)
Level 53, Tempest Talisman (Neck), +7 Intellect, +6 Spirit, +1% critical strike with spells (Hydrospawn)
Level 54, Whipvine Cord (Waist), 47 Armor, +9 Intellect, +6 mana every 5 sec., up to +28 healing (Alzzin the Wildshaper)
Level 54, Ring of Demonic Guile (Finger), +10 Intellect, +6 mana every 5 sec. (Alzzin the Wildshaper)
Level 54, Ring of Demonic Potency (Finger), +10 Stamina, +4 health every 5 sec. (Alzzin the Wildshaper)
Level 54, Energetic Rod (Mace), 38.7 dps, +5 Intellect, up to +14 on magical damage and healing (Alzzin the Wildshaper)
Level 55, Brightspark Gloves (Hands), 53 Armor, +15 Intellect, +9 Stamina, +1% critical strike with spells (Tsu'zee)
Level 55, Band of the Hierophant (Finger), +11 Spirit, +10 Intellect, +7 Stamina (The Razza)
Level 55, Maiden's Circle (Finger), +7 Intellect, +6 Spirit, up to +10 on magical damage and healing (The Razza)
Level 56, Mana Channeling Wand (Wand), 60.9 dps, +4 mana every 5 sec. (Cho'Rush the Observer)
Level 56, Mindtap Talisman (Trinket), +11 mana every 5 sec. (Magister Kalendris)
Level 56, Elder Magus Pendant (Neck), +10 Intellect, +7 Spirit, +6 Stanmina (Magister Kalendris)
Level 56, Padre's Trousers (Legs), 76 Armor, +20 Intellect, +6 mana every 5 sec., up to +42 healing (Illyanna Ravenoak)
Level 57, Robe of Everlasting Night (Chest), 88 Armor, +13 Intellect, +11 Stamina, +5 Spirit, up to +27 on magical damage and healing (Immol'thar)
Level 57, Blade of the New Moon (Dagger), 40.7 dps, +5 Stamina, up to +19 Shadow damage (Immol'thar)
Level 57, Cloak of the Cosmos (Back), 44 Armor, +11 Intellect, +7 Stamina, up to +26 healing (Immol'thar)
Level 57, Boots of the Full Moon (Feet), 60 Armor, +12 Intellect, +12 Stamina, +9 Spirit, up to +26 healing (Captain Kromcrush)
Level 57, Emerald Flame Ring (Finger), +12 Intellect, +8 Spirit, +7 Stamina, up to +15 healing (Prince Tortheldrin)
Level 58, Brightly Glowing Stone (Held In Off-hand), +7 Stamina, up to +37 healing (King Gordok)
Level 58, Crown of the Ogre King (Head), 73 Armor, +18 Intellect, +16 Stamina, +11 Spirit, +1% critical strike with spells (King Gordok)

Сообщений: 102
Добавлено: 11-10-2005 11:16
Level 60, Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II (various)
Level 55, Dreadmist Mantle (Shoulder), 64 Armor, +15 Intellect, +14 Stamina, +9 Spirit (Jandice Barov)
Level 55, Magister's Mantle (Shoulder), 64 Armor, +22 Intellect, +6 Stamina, +6 Spirit (Ras Frostwhisper)
Level 56, Clutch of Andros (Waist), 49 Armor, +22 Intellect, +8 Spirit, +3 Stamina (Kirtonos the Herald)
Level 56, Heart of the Fiend (Neck), +15 Spirit, +5 Intellect, +5 Stamina (Kirtonos the Herald)
Level 57, Bonecreeper Stylus (Wand), 62.6 dps, +4 Intellect, up to +11 on magical damager and healing (Darkmaster Gandling)
Level 57, Devout Crown (Head), 71 Armor, +24 Intellect, +15 Spirit, +13 Stamina (Darkmaster Gandling)
Level 57, Dreadmist Mask (Head), 71 Armor, +23 Intellect, +15 Stamina, +12 Spirit (Darkmaster Gandling)
Level 57, Magister's Crown (Head), 71 Armor, +30 Intellect, +5 Spirit, +11 Stamina, (Darkmaster Gandling)
Level 57, Witchblade (Dagger), 40.6 dps, +8 Intellect, up to +14 on Shadow/Arcane damage (Darkmaster Gandling)

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