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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / Barlow Prize , USA |
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Автор | Сообщение |
shmurak Группа: Администраторы Сообщений: 291 |
Добавлено: 16-03-2005 18:18 |
Barlow Prize , USA | |
shmurak Группа: Администраторы Сообщений: 291 |
Добавлено: 16-03-2005 18:18 |
Barlow Prize New Work for Chamber Ensemble 1. THE BARLOW PRIZE The winning composer will receive a $12,000 commission from the Barlow Endowment to compose a major new work for chamber ensemble—a group of six to eight instruments selected from standard acoustic orchestral instruments. A national performing consortium of four prominent chamber ensembles will premiere the work in 2007: Network for New Music Ensemble (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—Linda Reichert, Director); Ensemble X (Ithaca, New York— Steven Stucky , Director); Indiana University New Music Ensemble (Bloomington, Indiana—David Dzubay, Director); and Left Coast Chamber Ensemble (San Francisco, California—Kurt Rohde, Director). The 13-15 minute work is expected to meet the highest artistic requirements for the medium. Additional specifications for the work will be negotiated among the Barlow Endowment, the composer, and the performing consortium. Half of the commission fee will be paid when the contract for the commission is signed, and the other half will be paid when the finished score is submitted to the Endowment. 2. ELIGIBILITY There are no restrictions with regard to musical style, nationality, age, gender, race, religion, or political persuasion. The only limitations are: 1) composers who have won the Barlow Prize in the previous five years will not be considered; and 2) members of the Barlow Boards are not eligible. 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURES A composer may apply for the Barlow Prize by filling out the application blank below and submitting it with appropriate supporting material. The application and supporting materials should be sent by regular or express mail and must include a resume of compositional activity and exactly two recent representative scores. One of these scores must be no more than five years old, and at least one must demonstrate the composer's ability to write an extended work for chamber ensemble . Scores with recordings are considered extremely helpful in the judging process. Accordingly, a separate CD or cassette tape should be submitted for each piece. Be certain CD cases list detailed program and track information, and cassettes are cued to selected material. (The judging panel will not be able to review MP3, DVD, video, or DAT formats.) Since the prize is a commission, anonymous submission is not necessary. 4. DEADLINES All applications must be received no later than June 1, 2005 . The Endowment will not consider applications received after that deadline. We encourage contestants from outside the United States to mail their materials early to avoid problems caused by postal delays. 5. JUDGING The Barlow Prize will be judged by the Barlow Endowment Board of Advisors and additional guest judges representing the interests and perspectives of the ensembles. The Barlow Endowment will notify the winner, participants, and friends of the Endowment of the results before September 15, 2005 . If, in the opinion of the judging panel, no applicant merits the Barlow Prize, it shall not be awarded. 6. SUBMISSION AND CARE OF MATERIALS Scores and recordings will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with correct postage, payment in U.S. dollars, a money order in U.S. dollars, or International Reply Coupons for postage. (Meticulous care will be exercised with all materials, but neither the Endowment nor Brigham Young University will be responsible for lost or damaged scores or recordings.) For submissions, applications, and inquiries: Address: ATT: Rebecca Ott, Administrator Barlow Endowment A-501 Harris Fine Arts Center Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 USA Telephone: (801) 422-2818 FAX: (801) 422-0253 E-Mail: barlowendowment@byu.edu Website: barlow.byu.edu ___________________________________________________________________________ BARLOW ENDOWMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stephen M. Jones, Chair Dale Monson, Vice Chair Thomas Durham, Executive Director BARLOW BOARD OF ADVISORS Melinda Wagner Murray Boren Claude Baker Lansing McLoskey Daniel Gawthrop ENDOWMENT STAFF Scott Boyter, Financial Officer Rebecca Ott, Administrator PAST BARLOW PRIZE WINNERS 2004 Judith Bingham, England 2003 Brian Current, Canada 2002 Aaron Travers, USA 2001 Kenneth Frazelle, USA 1999 Kevin Putz, USA 1998 Henry Martin, USA 1997 Maija Einfelde, Latvia 1996 Chris Theophanidis, USA 1995 David Dzubay, USA 1994 Zhou Long, China 1993 Joseph Lukasik, USA 1992 Otto Ketting, Netherlands 1991 Chan KaNin, Canada 1991 Timothy Greatbatch, USA 1990 David Gillingham, USA 1989 Dan Locklair, USA 1988 Gerard Brophy, Australia 1988 Mark Phillips, USA 1987 Daron Hagen, USA 1986 Michael Colgrass, Canada 1985 L. Dean Nuernberger, USA ________________________________________________________________________ BARLOW PRIZE APPLICATION FORM (To be used for Barlow Prize only) Please type or print: Composer Name____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address______________________________________City____________________ State/Province_______________________Zip___________Country___________________ Telephone(____ )__________-_______________ Fax # (_____)________-_____________ E-MAIL____________________________ Birth Date_________________, 19_________ Enclosed are: 1._____Résumé of compositional activities, curriculum vitae, and/or biographical sketch 2._____Titles of two submitted* scores: a. ______________________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________________ 3._____Separate recordings of each piece, cued or indexed (check one or both): [ ] Cassette tape(s) [ ] CD(s) *Scores and tapes will be returned ONLY if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with correct postage, payment in U.S. dollars, a money order in U.S. dollars, or International Reply coupons for postage. ___________________________________________________________________________ |
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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / Barlow Prize , USA |